Work life

Work hasn't been hectic. In fact it was so much fun because my partner is really hilarious. I'm so thankful that God placed gre...

Work hasn't been hectic. In fact it was so much fun because my partner is really hilarious.
I'm so thankful that God placed great colleagues and good supervisor for me.
Frankly speaking, I cannot fathom how the working adults can face the computer from 9 to 6.
I spent a few hours travelling around to take photos and the next few hours editing photos in the office.
The last few hours spent staring at the computer screen hurts my eyes so badly.
I feel that I'm not a part-timer but a full-timer. I work on weekdays, Monday to Friday.
I get caught in the morning rush-hour and evening rush-hour.
The working adults transiting between Red Line and Circle Line at Bishan is crazy, be it morning or evening.
I finally had a taste of working adults that takes public transport. It's been hard on you people (hahaha).
This job offered me a chance to be street smart. I have a map with me and Google map to help navigate my way.
The two maps I have on hands goes to prove how bad I am with directions and how my instinct for directions fails me most of the time. I'm improving already!
Each time I go to work, I explore a different neighbourhood of Singapore.
All in all, I'm really glad that I get a good working partner that never fails to make me laugh.
It just makes my work more enjoyable than it already was.

Blessed weekend ahead x
I'll update on my trip to Carpenter and Cook Cafe soon!

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