Another day spent in cafe

The Plain 50 Craig Road Tanjong Pagar Ciabattas - Antipasto They don't sell cakes but they sell sandwiches. I l...

The Plain
50 Craig Road
Tanjong Pagar

Ciabattas - Antipasto
They don't sell cakes but they sell sandwiches.
I like what I ordered. There's avocado in it.

Darling's Eggs
Kristine ordered half serving. I think it's better for half serving because you may get bored to the taste if you take too much of it.
Then again, this is a delicious set of sandwich.

We actually walked a really long way before chancing upon this cafe.
Such a humid day and we were decked in dark coloured long-sleeved top.
Almost every cafe that we intended to go are closed on Mondays.
Lesson learnt: Don't go for cafe hunting on Mondays.

We were thrilled when we know that we can have not just a cup of iced coffee but have it served with a scoop of ice-cream.
Ahhhh, literally heaven on earth for us both after conquering the blazing sun and crazy weather.

I ordered a cup of normal Iced Coffee while Kristine ordered Generra - Mocha with an orange twist.
I strongly recommend you to try Generra because the twist is quite interesting for the taste buds.


Streets that we never had a chance to explore, we did it today unintentionally.

We came across many many other cafes.

I doubt I'll have time for more cafe hunting because I'm starting work soon.
Soon as in tomorrow (?)
Have a blessed week ahead x

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