Body breakdown

Slight fever + Flu + Sore Throat + Body Ache I've only started work less than a week and I'm down with fever and flu with two da...

Slight fever + Flu + Sore Throat + Body Ache

I've only started work less than a week and I'm down with fever and flu with two days MC.
I kind of understand why the adults will tell us that study life is better than work life.
What is good about study life is that we get two one-month holidays throughout the year, which is what a working adult will never have.
During our one-month holiday, we can hang out with friends, we can laze around or do our work at our own pace.
That is exactly what working adults admire us for.
Overtime, working adults forgot how stressful their study life was.
Tertiary education is really no joke.
It's a huge jump from secondary education.

Now, what is good about work life is that working adults need not go through examinations like we do.
Working adults may face stress every now and then but students face stress almost every single day.
Working adults are not obliged to bring uncompleted work home but students must complete their homework after school hours.

Students admire work life because Saturdays and Sundays need not be dedicated for homework.
Saturdays and Sundays can be spent with family, spent in mall, spent in park, spent in cafes or spent alone.
As for students, it'll be spent at Starbucks or Coffee Bean with a pile of homework to complete and lots of revision to be done.

Either way, the grass is always greener on the other side.
Since I have two days of MC, I shall make use of my time wisely.
Well, day 1 has past with me sleeping my day away.
Oh, I cooked myself a bowl of porridge this afternoon.

Wake up > Eat > Take medicine > Sleep > Wake up > Eat > Take medicine > Sleep > Wake up...........

It's time for me to sleep again.
Good night readers, good night world, good night Joanna.

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