Korea 2012 Day 5 (Seoul)

Temperature: 1°C to 5°C ~ Breakfast was at Yoger Presso Cafe located near our hotel. I am in love with Korea's Belgium waffle....

Temperature: 1°C to 5°C


Breakfast was at Yoger Presso Cafe located near our hotel.

I am in love with Korea's Belgium waffle.

Saw the sign that reminds ladies of their heels. Interesting sign!

We alighted at Ankuk Station and proceeded on to Insadong.
If you're guessing if it was snowing there, then yes you're right, it snowed again.

Insadong is an area in Seoul that has rich arts culture, mainly the pottery or handmade things.

We decided that lunch should come first before shopping since we were all famished.
Insadong has a few beautifully decorated restaurants that sells their food at reasonably cheap prices.
For a beautiful setting in Singapore restaurants, we may need to pay SGD10+ and it's considered not that bad already.
In Korea, we just need to spend SGD8+ and we get really scrumptious and super filling food.
I think the restaurant we went to is a famous restaurant because many tourists and locals are there for meals.
The food is so good that no proper meal after that can match-up with it.

The following restaurant is not the restaurant we visited.


This is the interior design of the restaurant we dined at.

My super awesome beef bulgogi! My stomach is growling even as I look at this picture.
If you ever travel to Korea and if you ever go to Insadong, you have to try this restaurant.

The name of the restaurant is Insadong Gip (?)
It's right beside Ssamziegil building (which will be shown to you when you scroll down).

Ssamziegil is an open-air shopping area for pottery or the arty things.
And yep, the restaurant is right beside this building! 

We went to a Book Cafe within the building where people will sit in with a cup of drink or waffle ice cream and enjoy their read.

We were seated at the second level that was approximately 1.63m tall from the floor to the ceiling.
My head touches the ceiling when I stand up straight.

The best part is that all you need to do is to hit this bell and it will alert their staff to serve you.

Lee Seung Gi! The young, talented and smart guy.

Oh how I miss their waffle ice cream!
The waffle is so soft and they even have a really good jam spread on top of the waffle.
Even their whip cream tastes so good!

A random cafe named Paris Croissant.


This is one of the best 路边摊 food I've ever tasted (I've not tasted many 路边摊 anyways hahahaha).
The chicken is so tender and the sauce they used is so rich yet not salty.


I like this too! Eggy bread? Something like that.
You can smell the egg bread a few metres away and the next thing you know is you're paying for it.
Delicious food!

That's pretty much the end of Day 5!
We're in city area so I thought I wouldn't take much photos since it's almost the same scene we get to see in Singapore.
So there'd be lesser photos than the first few days in Jeju.

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