Korea 2012 Day 4 (Jeju/ Seoul)

Temperature (Jeju): 5°C Feel like: -0.6°C (Not that bad) We visited their local market and oh boy, they have such fresh seafood! ...

Temperature (Jeju): 5°C
Feel like: -0.6°C (Not that bad)

We visited their local market and oh boy, they have such fresh seafood!

The different types of chilli powder used to make Kimchi!

Pig heads for you?

This fish is really shiny! The picture just cannot justify how shiny it is!

Woohoo, Park Shi Hoo!
I am currently in love with this actor!

Our next stop was Jeju's five-day markets that usually only happens on the 2nd, 7th, 12th, 17th, 22nd, 27th of every month.
Different five-days market in Jeju city will bring different types of food for you.

For more info: Jeju Weekly

The lady vendor of the fish pancake with red bean filling offered a free pancake for Sissy and I to try.
My my, we certainly didn't see that coming! The crust is so crispy that we decided to buy some.
This is nothing like what I've tasted in Singapore.

There's something I have to try when I'm in Korea - Ddeokbokki or Spicy rice cake.
There were a lot of customers crowding around this shop for Ddeokbokki and thus I decided that I should try it despite knowing that my stomach can't take spicy food.
It was extremely spicy. At that point in time, when I was swallowing my rice cake, I wanted so much to give up eating it.

Let's not forget the roadside stalls we see in Korean Dramas where they just stand there and enjoy the food.

Flew off to Seoul and spent a couple of hours in Samsung D'light.
Means of travel: Metro/ Subway
I wonder why are Samsung's products more expensive in Korea than in Singapore when Samsung originates from Korea.
Anyways, we had Japanese food for dinner.

Saboten Tonkatsu
This has been franchised to Singapore too.
It's cheaper in Korea than Singapore.

They served a bowl of sesame for us to grind so that the aroma of sesame comes out more.

This is my really adorable beancurd pouch that has vegetables and mushrooms fillings.

In Seoul, they consume a lot of Pork/ Chicken cutlet.

Day 5 in Seoul will come out really soon!

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