
Each day that I go to work, I will try to plan ahead on what websites I can visit when I have nothing to do in office. Temporary workers...

Each day that I go to work, I will try to plan ahead on what websites I can visit when I have nothing to do in office. Temporary workers' jobs are pretty inconsistent. When it comes, it comes like a flood and when they don't, it's like drought. The first couple of weeks, I was constantly checking out recipes online and I was so inspired that I kept making next day's breakfast at night, after work. Then I stopped because I was given a new task - call up customers. I was constantly on the phone for the whole day and many a times I do get polite responses or sweet responses from the customers. Then of course some bad tempered receiver at the other end that simply does not have the patience. I must say I've overcome my fears in handling phone calls. To me, courage comes with age.

In different periods of my life, I will tell myself, "Hey, it's about time you learn how to handle this, handle that, handle bla bla bla". The next thing I know, I am already doing what I couldn't picture at first. This is a small little part of growing and learning for me. There are many things to learn from our day to day activities. There are always always always more room for improvements. I am aware of that. It's easy to identify but difficult to acknowledge and so much tougher to make the improvements.

And I just made a little discovery about myself...........

In the comfort of an air-conditioned place with lots and lots of privacy, I secretly enjoy reflecting about life and feeling a little upset about things especially with the company of indie folk or Birdy's soundtracks coming from Apples's earpods. It's best that no one can hear the song that I'm listening too. It's personal. I tend to lose myself in music. Once the song starts, all the thoughts that I once had started to get pulled from the back of my head to the surface and they start to link. There are many many possibilities of how I can link them up. I disregard the lyrics all the time and as long as it sounds melancholic, I am already on this track.

I hope that one day, I'd be able to find my personal style of writing.

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