Korea 2012 Day 1 (Jeju)

Sorry that I was away for a really long time. It's the holiday season and Korea was the of destination for my family. We went for a ...

Sorry that I was away for a really long time.
It's the holiday season and Korea was the of destination for my family.
We went for a free and easy trip. It was a 6-hour flight to Korea.
We took Korean Air and I must say Korean Air's inflight entertainment system is way better than SIA's.
Korean Air's entertainment system doesn't lag as much as SIA's would.
Best of all, I can choose the Korean Soundtrack I like and put it in my inflight playlist.
The system introduced me to Korean Ballad Songs that are so soothing to my ears.
The only bad thing about Korean Air is that the seat gives me backache after sitting for only 2 hours.
That's something that I have not encountered from SIA's seat.
Other than that, Korean Air is fine.
Not to mention, Korean Air serves delicious food too!


Sissy bought TWG's macaroons before boarding the plane. *Omnomnomnom*

Temperature (Seoul): - 6°C
Time difference: 1 hour faster than Singapore (GMT +9)

This was first photo I snapped @ Incheon Airport.

We took our breakfast @ Lotteria, which is a fast food restaurant that bears much resemblance to McDonalds.
And yup, that's Song Joong Ki below, advertising for Lotteria!

I must say I really like their culture of clearing their trays after consuming the food and discarding the wastes accordingly.

We got an early flight to Jeju island. It's a 50 min flight, exactly the same as flying from Singapore to KL.
There were too many flights to Jeju and therefore we had to take a bus to catch our plane, within the taxi area for the planes.

Upon arriving @ Jeju, it started raining and snowing.

First meal @ Jeju was Abalone Porridge.
It's so yummy but the surprise factor of the porridge is that it's green in colour.
A pity that I didn't take a picture of the porridge because I was too hungry hahaha.

Our driver, Mr Koh, is a really kind person.
Throughout our journey in Jeju, he helped us to keep our cost for food to be at its minimum.
He's a really thoughtful and nice person. He helps us plan our journey as to where we should go and this made our trip a lot easier
because we wouldn't need to spend the night before to check the routes to see if everything works well with the direction we're heading towards.
He can converse in English and Japanese too!

As we were winding down the road, the trees along side were covered by white snow.
I've seen snow since I was young but not something as amazing as what I saw this time round.
It snowed heavily at Jeju the night before my family arrived.
How loved are we by our Abba Daddy.

After which, we went for ATV.
At first, I was pretty nervous about riding a vehicle by myself.
We had 2 rounds of warm up and then off we were to the terrains and that's when I found myself loving the rocky roads and mud!
It was so thrilling to manoeuvre the vehicle, especially when you can hear the mobile accelerating.
I started off pretty badly because I was jam-breaking. I couldn't really manage the accelerator well.
A moment I was a little too fast and the next moment I jammed-break.
After a while, once you get the hang of it, you'll be hitting on the accelerator, going at a really fast speed.
ATV is something you definitely have to try when you're at Jeju!

After which, we went on to Glass Castle.
I'm not particularly awed by the glass house. It's not my thing I suppose.
It's an outdoor exhibition.

That pretty much wraps up my first day in Jeju.
Perhaps, half a day in Jeju since we arrived Jeju @ 1pm +.

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