It's our night.

Our prom was held at Marriott Hotel Ballroom two days ago. Everyone was glamorous. How I love JC prom! ~ Li Ting, my Ali. Hahaha...

Our prom was held at Marriott Hotel Ballroom two days ago.
Everyone was glamorous. How I love JC prom!


Li Ting, my Ali.
Hahahaha. Ali and Baba was a nickname given to us by our hockey seniors.
It's really great to have known you because I get to see someone so meticulous
about her work which is quite the opposite of who I am.
Love you for bringing good memories into my life and for being so much of a nice girl!

Si Ting. I must say this girl is pretty witty and crazy.
Sometimes, she's crazier than I am.
Thank you for the laughter and funny moments you've brought to this class and to me.

Kristine. One thing I admire you of is how patient you can be when you teach me.
I really really admire you for being so patient and helpful towards everyone.
Thank you for being such an amazing friend in my JC life.

Vincent and Nicholas.

Left: Vincent / Right:Patrick

(Left) Wei Liang. I met him in a leadership camp last year.
It came to a surprise to me that he's as crazy as I can be.

(Right) That's Elston. I didn't manage to take photos with Gideon at all.
The 2 morning-bus-rides boys who will always try to tease me in any way they can.
I'm glad that I have Gideon and Elston with me in the morning bus ride to school because
of the jokes they crack on me and how Gideon and I would revise our work in bus while
Elston will be sleeping away and of course with the three of us falling asleep in the bus.

Jia Ying, our birdy.
I love you for being so optimistic and so real about yourself.
Just that two, it's enough for me to love you like crazy.

Hockey girls!

OG2, the noisiest and best OG hahahaha.

Sonia, the very first friend I made in JJ.
Two word to describe her: Mega cute


The next five boys are Basketballers that we had gym together with.


Gek Nian is from another class but he's from the same Chinese class as I was.
Two things we have in common: We're both from Hockey and our jersey number is 2.

Zoey, the first girl I came to know in my Chinese class.
She has a cheery smile!

YinYan was a friend I made this year.
Met her when I went down to support JJ dancers @ Vivocity.

Fang Ru, my socialite!
I love how her laughter is so contagious and prominent.
Just by listening to her laughter, you'll know that she's around and that's definitely something good.
We did spend a few days here and there studying in school.
I always feel joyful when I study with her in school.

Wanqi, my chou chou.
Just love how we tease each other about being chou chou.

My clique, the beautiful ladies.
Wouldn't have had a fun-filled time in school without these ladies.

My wonderful classmates and my perfect Chemistry teacher, Mr Hong.

The one with the bow, is Justin (The other 2 were photo-bombing).
One thing I'm amused is that though we somehow will study in school together before exams,
we don't have each other's contact number at all.

Jerlene, beautiful lady!
I don't really talk to her in school but we do chat on twitter.
Well, that's the thing about a technology-led world we're living right now.
Chatting via social networking sites but not in real life.

With our Gym Teacher, Mr Tan.


After prom, we headed to Filter. My virgin trip to club and I must say it's a fresh experience.
The lights were blinding and it gave us all animated movements.
We all felt like we were in some movie.
Dancing and partying all night without the killer heels.

Walking without heels.

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