Auschwitz Concentration Camp

Krakow, Poland This is the main highlight when people visit Krakow. The place where more than 1 Million Jews were deported and sent to d...

Krakow, Poland

This is the main highlight when people visit Krakow. The place where more than 1 Million Jews were deported and sent to death. They were tricked to resettle in a new town, thinking that it would be an all Jews village. Properties were sold to them at extremely attractive prices. Before visiting this camp, I would strongly encourage you to watch Schindler's List on PutLocker, which was based on a true story of how a German saved thousands of people by placing their names on his lists. This movie, directed by Steven Spielberg, has showed strongly what the Jews went through and all the emotions were strongly portrayed in the movie. This was also the camp where Anne Frank and her sister were sent to and died.

Block 4: Extermination block.

The bar shown above was the place where many Jews were publicly hung to death.

Picture above: The infamous gas chamber where female Jews were gassed to death. They were told to strip their clothes and belongings and then have their long hair shaved before entering. They were told that they could shower in it. There were fake shower heads installed. Unbeknownst to them, death was waiting for them in this chamber. However, this chamber is not the real chamber. They tore it down and rebuilt it at the exact location.

Maybe you'll ask, why do they have to have their heads shaved. Because the Nazis were profiting from the sale of the hair to some textile companies. How inhumane to commit such heinous crime and still profit from it.

This is the train track where the Jews came from, carrying all their valuables, ready to 'resettle'. The photo below shows the Jews who were happy that they have arrived.

Initially this camp uses mug shots to identify and keep track of the number of people. However, the camp grew larger and larger and eventually they just tattooed numbers on the people. The rows and rows of photos are just a small part of those in the camps.

After watching the movie, you will understand the above picture better. There were bowls, pans, pots, watches, glasses and many more.

Many places in this camp prohibits photography and therefore I did not take much. We spent the whole afternoon there. For students, the admission is free-of-charge.

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