
#02 Faith iPhone 6 Wallpaper Download

There are too many things that by our strength, we can't hold together. Only the mighty creator, Yahweh, can hold it for us. Only H...

There are too many things that by our strength, we can't hold together. Only the mighty creator, Yahweh, can hold it for us. Only He can hold it and make it easy and light for us. He will lighten our load, He will make things go in our favour, He will bless us with so much more. Sometimes, we think that we have to make things happen or else nothing will happen. Always remember that the battle was never ours to begin with. Jesus took them all to the cross 2000 years ago so that today we can say, the battle is the Lord's. Sit, rest and receive His grace and truth. May these wallpapers be our daily reminder that God is on our side. Yahweh is enough.

Be blessed

The wallpaper is only for personal use, not for commercial purposes. All copyright of these images is retained by Jacquelyn.

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