Crispy Cereal Marshmallow

I've been disliking strong colours recently. Colourful colours are a no in my day-to-day outfit to school. However, when it comes to...

I've been disliking strong colours recently. Colourful colours are a no in my day-to-day outfit to school.
However, when it comes to sweet treats, colours make them so much special.

I spent my Deepavali holiday in the kitchen doing this sweet treat. I've been wanting to do this for a very long time.
Even if it's a month away from finals, a holiday is a holiday. No school work should be done today.

I cannot quite predict the weathers nowadays.
Days I want to don in sweater, the weather would be sweltering hot.
Days I wore lesser, the rain never seem to cease.

Instead of buying blooming flowers for my room, which wilts in a matter of days, I semi got myself a little pot of happiness - Organic Bonsai.
The wonder of this little pot of happiness is that it takes in radiation for photosynthesis and gives out negative ions.
A perfect fit to be in my room, right beside my laptop and phone charger.

Today was a well-spent public holiday doing things I enjoy. I haven't been in the best of mood at home for a few weeks already. Just cannot make myself do things I dislike or to even face things that reminds me of all that I've lost. Days like these, I don't know how long it's going to continue. I wonder if anyone will understand anyone at all.

Still, have a wonderful week x

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