August 08, 2013Pictures courtesy: NTU - EEE/IEM
The sky was darker and slightly noisier than usual at 7am. It was raining.
Such a perfect weather to snuggle in bed with my toy dog and all the other plushes.
I almost gave up leaving bed because I haven't had enough sleep for the past few days but I thought this would be my only chance to find other IEM students.
As usual, ice breakers - a segment that you will never fail to see in whichever camp you attend - that never fails to really break the ice among us.
This time round, the ice breaking games are far more interesting than what I've done before at other camps.
Milk maid and Body Parts To Colours are so hilarious.
We had our hands on a mouse trap for the first time in our lives. A snapping mouse trap. One that really snaps. Most of the girls, including me, were terrified of it because the snap 'hurts' us in the way that we can actually feel the pain. (Does this makes sense?) I could feel how awful the mouse would feel if they were to be caught. PLEASE DO NOT USE MOUSE TRAP AT HOME TO CATCH MICE, though I am not too sure who would be using a mouse trap in Singapore. Somehow, I feel that poisoning the mouse to death is better. (Or is it not?)
That's Jacqqie who's going direct to Year 2 in EEE because she came from poly.
2 Felicias and 2 Jacqs!
We moved on to the beach for water rafting activity and it was so much fun building the raft!
I am blessed with so many awesome team mates who can brainstorm for a raft within 5 minutes, tie the knots and build a sturdy raft. So far, all the rafts that I built in different camps did not even survive the shake test or drop test but this raft that we built survived them all! Sturdy raft is sturdy. Such an awesome team that worked so well.
The camp ended in at 3pm +. One day camp is really awesome. Ends early and we get to go home to rest.
School's starting in a few days time. Am I ready for school? Not really.
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