We chose a bright and sunny day to visit this museum since it's an indoor museum that provides shade from the scorching sun. The weather that day was exceptionally hot yet not humid. We took a bus to this museum, where the journey was 30 minutes long. You can bring along your Student Pass (Student EZ-Link card for Singaporeans) to buy admission tickets at NT250 (SGD10.60) only. They name this half-fare tickets. The adult pass costs NT450 (SGD19) which they call it, full-fare tickets. It actually slipped my mind to bring my EZ-link to this museum though I brought it to Taiwan for the sole purpose of enjoying the student price. *Mega huge sigh* Had the pay the extra SGD8.40, which when I convert to NT, I can buy a lot more food and apparels.
I really love how this place is decorated. Those huge fish figurines hanging atop makes me feel like I'm a part of the marine biology.
Can you spot a skipping mudskipper in the photo above?
For once I feel that mudskippers are adorable. So tiny and skips around gracefully in the mud.
Everyone was awed by the 16m whale-shark that you will see from the following photos below.
They eat up to 15kg worth of food per meal.
Coral Kingdom Pavilion
Waters of the World
It's the penguins feeding time and the penguins were so adorable.
A whole bunch of penguins followed the feeders and kept looking at them as if begging for food.
I can see how much they love food. Too adorable to not fall in love with them.
Our 3rd Day in KenTing ended off well with all these lovable penguins that swam in and out of the water so effortlessly except for that one and only penguin that kept floating around aimlessly. I think he's a little too fat to swim deeper or to even get out of the water? Hahahaha.

I was famished by the time we finished walking the museum so I guess hotdog would help a little?
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