Visionary Thinking

Envisioning and dreaming. I do a lot of those. I've envisioned myself being very creative. I've envisioned myself as a weddin...

Envisioning and dreaming.
I do a lot of those.

I've envisioned myself being very creative.
I've envisioned myself as a wedding photographer.
I've envisioned myself sleeping with fairy lights on.
I've envisioned myself as someone who can draw really well.
I've envisioned myself strumming a guitar and singing along.
I've envisioned myself pinning up all my polaroids onto my wall.
I've envisioned myself as a conductor for a professional concert band.
I've envisioned myself designing my future house, creating my very own dreamland.
I've envisioned myself sitting in my bedroom, reading books that teaches life lessons.
I've envisioned myself performing in a really professional band with a violin or a cello.
I've envisioned myself in a white-themed room with all the beautiful pastel coloured decor.
I've envisioned myself capturing photos that I see people capture and giving that touch I've always wanted people to feel.
I've envisioned myself surrounded by swedish-style typographies enclosed in dark-coloured wooden frame, hung around white walls.

I've actually envisioned a lot of things.
I've envisioned myself in many many possible roles whenever I start to think about my future.
I'm quite sure that all of us would have envisioned ourselves as who we want to be or wish we could be.

Some of the things that I envisioned, they came true.
Some of them, I wasn't confident that I would be able to make it to where I hope I would be.
A few of them, I felt I was inadequate.

Even if we cannot be who we have envisioned, it's perfectly alright to still envision.
If envisioning makes you happy, if it brings you to the world you've always wanted to be in, then continue to envision.
There is nothing wrong with holding on to what you want to be even if in reality, none of it is possible.
No one can take away your rights to dream and to envision.

Dare to dream. Dare to envision.
When reality limits you from becoming who you want to be, let your mind transport you to where you want to be.
Allow yourself to dream. Allow yourself to envision.
Go beyond the limits and dream wildly because you are entitled to do so.

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