We are alive and pretty much a human because we have memories. As much as we want to forget unpleasant memories, it is exactly those m...

We are alive and pretty much a human because we have memories.
As much as we want to forget unpleasant memories, it is exactly those memories that keep us alive.
Not just alive. It makes us humane.
We were constantly reminded of the pain we went through.
Some got better, some got worse. Some never heal. Some remain.
We can definitely choose how we want those things to affect us.
After some time, I choose to allow them to be part of the lessons I have to learn in order to grow up.

Lucky for me, I find it easy to bury unpleasant memories.

Happy memories are what we should reminisce and never allow anything to make us feel we've lost it all.
Never to allow yourself to fear that you'll lose everything you have right now.
Immerse yourself in the present and enjoy the now.
Leave all your fears behind because they aren't of any help.

Do more of what makes you happy because that is true happiness.
Nothing is more important than living a happy life.
Let go of your grudges, forget unhappiness and hold on only to the happy things.

Hold on only to the happy things.

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