Chingay 2013

Chingay 2013 - Snow and Fire. The pictures in this post are what I've collected over the 3 days while I work for Chingay. Uk...

Chingay 2013 - Snow and Fire.
The pictures in this post are what I've collected over the 3 days while I work for Chingay.

Ukelele teams from different GRCs.

Arrival of Singapore's President, Mr Tony Tan.

Chingay ended with artificial snow and fireworks.

These few photos pretty much wraps up Chingay 2013 and there were actually more contingents performing than what you see from my blog but I didn't manage to capture them. I've acquired a whole new level of experience because I've never captured images for any major events and this was the first time. It's not easy to walk across sectors because of the crowd and walking is still too slow for best shots. I've also walked on the side of the road where the performers were performing and it's where the professional photographers would walk. I felt like one of the professionals though I know very well that my photos are pretty much nowhere close to their standards. Learning never ends and skills are being picked up along the way. I was trying to capture photos in their truest and most natural way. Some of it ended up blurred but I could see the spirit that I wanted to show you all through those pictures and thus uploading them to this blog.

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