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Taken using Note 2 “Life is a series of pulls back and forth... A tension of opposites, like a pull on a rubber band. Most of us ...

Taken using Note 2

“Life is a series of pulls back and forth...
A tension of opposites, like a pull on a rubber band.
Most of us live somewhere in the middle.
A wrestling match...Which side win?
Love wins. Love always wins”

― Mitch Albom, Tuesdays With Morrie


2012 was a year I struggled with my thoughts and feelings.
This is especially so during the first half of the year.

Lesson learnt One
Don't run after anything that wasn't meant to be.

I was recently told by my friend that if my concern for someone was being mistaken or not reciprocated, it's not worth my time at all.
Now, I find this so true. Maybe I cared too much that it became a burden to them and it just adds on to how they would mistake my intentions.

Lesson learnt Two
It's up to you how you want your mind to think.

Another friend taught me that it was totally up to my mind to forget some incidents.
I knew all along it was my mind that controls everything but what my friend said hit me in my mind and stays there till today.

Lesson learnt Three
Treasure those around you and don't take them for granted.

Instead of running after things that will only hurt you eventually, treasure and cherish those around you.
They are the people that really cherishes you more than those you tried to have.
Appreciate them for every little things they have done.

Lesson learnt Four
Don't pay attention to things that hurts you.

This is difficult. I know how difficult it is.
Eventually, it's up to you to decide if you want to continue to get hurt or move on.
I guess, for me, instead of not paying attention, I decided to accept the facts.
Just accept it. It'll be better for you, trust me.

Lesson learnt Five
God is really for you and loves you.

There were so many times I kept holding on to things that doesn't help me at all.
I couldn't trust God at all. It was a period where I doubted God.
Everyone has been there, to doubt God for His abilities.
In the end, what I got from God wasn't punishments that I deserve but His love that I don't deserve after doubting Him.
So much love and grace being poured into my life.
It's true that it's through these tough times that moulds characters.


We just stepped into 2013 and everything is going pretty much the way I planned it to be.
I did my DIYs, I went for photography trips, I frequent cafes with friends and I read books.
I've been waiting for a lifestyle like this for 2 years.
I'm excited for the rest of the 2013!

Keeping my hopes high because I know I'm hoping in the Lord.

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