Family stems from love.

There are times when I feel strongly that I needed someone but I have no idea who the person is at all. There are times when I see st...

There are times when I feel strongly that I needed someone but I have no idea who the person is at all.
There are times when I see strangers and I can't help thinking how life can connect our fate.
There are times when I thought maybe one day I'd be with someone that I dislike right now.
There are times that I don't really know what I should learn from what life has given me thus far.
There are really so many things I've yet to learn, yet to discover and yet to admire.

Nowadays, I'm more connected to my family.
I start to prefer to be with my family than with friends.
I prefer spending Saturday mornings with my parents for a morning jog.
I'm beyond blessed to be placed in a family that gives me a feeling of home.
Not just a house that has nothing but an empty shell.
It's a shell with so much love within called home.

Life can give us many lemons or chilli padis but as long as your family is there for you, 
it empowers you to do anything that you want but lack courage to.
When you think everything around you is turning against you, your family will be there for you.
That is when you feel that things of the world doesn't matter anymore.
Nothing really matters other than family.

Family is that important.
Quarrels exist in every family but they will reconcile at the end of the day or at most a week (?)
If no one is willing to take the step to compromise, then the problem will only escalate.
I'm just glad that I have an overly-loving mother and a father that cares and holds expectations for me.

We grumble about why our parents are limiting us and giving us boundaries.
In my teenage years, we would quarrel over why-aren't-you-letting-me-out-of-the-house issues.
Now I realise why they are limiting us and giving us boundaries.

Love gives boundaries. 
Love gives expectations.
If love has no boundaries, that's not love anymore.
Love tells you where your limits are so that you know there are people who care for you.

Love cannot be measured.
If you measure love by how much you've given to the person and 
how little the person has for you, it'll be difficult for the relationship to carry on.

Love is selfless.
Not entirely selfless but at least most of the things you do is dependent on their emotions.

Family stems from love. 
That's how family grows. 
It grows from love and it grows out of love.

Sometimes what we ought to do is to remember that our Mom is also a lady and was once a girl.
She needs love as much as we need. We can't keep drawing love from them.
We need to supply them with our love as well.
She needs to be appreciated, as much as how we hope we would be appreciated.
She needs to know that you are there for her too, as much as how she's always there for you.

Our Pop needs to be assured that we love him too.
He may appear headstrong but no one in this world doesn't need love.

Just go on and give them a hug saying how much you love them and appreciate them.
If you haven't hugged them in a long while, don't be afraid.
They may be afraid to hug you too because they may find it awkward.
Just that one small step to hug them.
They may repel to it at first but at the end of the day, they may be wearing 
a smiling heart like the one we would wear when we see the person we like particularly.


The only love I know that was selfless was His love for us.
For Him to lay down His life willingly for us, was the epitome of love from above.

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